Monday, September 9, 2013

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs
What do you know about guinea pigs. Ethin.why

do you have a guinea pig. Hayden

How many guinea pigs do you have. Zayde

why do you like guinea pigs so much.Crystal

What do you like about them. Ethan
Guinea pigs make great pets if you don’t have one I suggest that you should get one because once you get one you will never want to part with it.  I know a lot about guinea pigs because I have nine of them.  I love my Guinea pigs a lot,I would never ever part with my ones especially my favourite one called Pipsqueak.  

I know that they take a lot of work to take care of but once you get the hang of it it will be easy.  I like guinea pigs so much because they are really friendly and cute.  

Sometimes if you put two male guinea pigs together they will fight each other.  At the start of a male guinea pigs fight they won’t be rough and nasty they will just be climbing over each other and pushing each other around but after awhile of them fighting they will start to get very nasty.  They they will start to make bite marks in the other guinea pig’s ear,scratch the other guinea pig so that it bleeds and sometimes they will scratch the other guinea pig’s body so much that the other guinea pig’s fur will start to come off in the fight.

When a guinea pig has babies it will get very protective of them and they will start fighting anyone who comes near them so you should move them to a separate cage.  They will only be protective while the babies are young.  

Guinea pig’s like to eat carrots, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, apples, bananas, rabbit pellets, grass, oranges, chaff, bread, hay and much much more.  There are some foods that guinea pigs can’t eat like onions, pumpkin, beetroot and potatoes.

You can only give guinea pigs a bath when they are 3 months or older.  You should only give them a bath in the summer.  The reason why you should give them a bath in the summer is because if you give them a bath in the winter as soon as you take them out of the water they will get really cold and they could get really sick.

Guinea pigs can come in all different colors.  Some guinea pigs are black and some guinea pigs are white.  They can also be brown and ginger.  Guinea pigs sometimes can multi colored.  They can be black and white, black and brown, white and ginger, white,black and brown, white and brown.

Those are just some of the facts about guinea pigs if you want more facts you should go to your local library and get a book out about guinea pigs.


  1. Wow. I learned a lot I didn't know from this writing. Good work Paige

  2. Wow! Not only do you love guniea pigs, you know HEAPS about them. This is a great story Paige. Even though your group asked you some questions you managed to answer in the first two paragraphs you still went above and beyond to give the readers a lot of info about guniea pigs. Thanks for commenting on my blog - it is time you got a comment from me! All the stuff on your blog is great! I will definitely go to your blog if I want something to read that makes sense and is packed with information. Great Job Paige!

  3. Wow Paige not only that you love guinea pigs you know lots and lots about them. Your story is great with answering all of the questions because in lots of peoples stories they didn't quiet answer all of the questions properly.
    Well done great work!!
