Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Hit one
Yuck this guy has a very sweaty hand.I feel like I’m about to slip right through his hand and escape this disgusting feeling.WHOA Here comes that feeling weee I feel like I'm on a ferris wheel this is so much fun except for the part where the human lets go which is in three two one.AHHH I gonna die here comes the bat SMASH.Hey I didn't die and now I feel as light  as a feather.WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  look at those puffy clouds I feel like I'm a bullet that just got shot out of a gun.It's so much fun until I smash into that tree right in front of me.AHHH BANG ouch that really hurt me I feel like I got a black eye wait but where are my eyes.Wow look at that action replay ouch that looks painful I feel sorry for that ball wait a minute thats me cool I’m on T.V.

hit two
AHH that’s nice just relaxing in the ball bucket waiting for someone to pick me hopefully that will be never.Hey there's a bowler coming to grab a ball oh no what if he grabs me.Oh please don’t pick me please don’t pick me.Wait I change my mind now I want to be pick because it's the last game of the season I think. YAYYYY he picked me. OK so here we go again hey this guy doesn't have a sweaty hand now isn't that just great. Yay this is my favourite part where I feel like a Ferris wheel WEE. Oh Oh AH H I'm so gonna die this time.SMACK AHHHH. Hey a soft landing that's quite different.Oh man I went into the stands hey put me down you freak oh come on I'm a cricket ball I bet you have a small backyard that is way too small to play cricket in.Then I hear the commentator say we need a replacement ball for next years season.Then I realise that my stitching has come undun well I guess that it’s the end of my cricket career so bye forever folks.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mathletics 2

This week I did another mathletics  picture.I thought that this one was going to be really really tricky but once I had done it I realised that it was really easy.I thought that I did really good on my mathletics picture.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This is my pressures affecting kids poster.I think that I did really well with my poster.This shows the pressures affecting kids on mufti day.

100 writing

The temperature suddenly dropped.First it was twenty two degrees now its only two degrees and I would say that outside isn’t the best place to in this weather but sadly thats exactly where I am.Ok so one thing we know is that it is two degrees outside and I'm outside and heres another thing I’m stuck outside,I’m wearing a singlet and very short shorts also I’m freezing and it just started to snow.AHH I’m really tired maybe I should have a sleep ok that’s what I will do goodnight me.Snore SHH Snore SHH Snore SHH.  BYE BYE


Friday, October 19, 2012

Scooter art

For my scooter art I had draw a close up on a scooter part and then I had to colour the edges dark and I had to make the middle lighter.I think that I did really well on my scooter art.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Te reo

On Monday I learnt how to say body parts in Maori.I think that I did really well.


This week  my class made mathletics posters.I think that I did really well on my one it was a little bit tricky but I got there in the end.



Miss Garland made 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One lonely robot

Suddenly the tall gates creaked open. I thought to myself I wonder if I should or should not walk in. Then I think for a moment maybe when I walk in I will see other lonely and rusty little robots exactly like me.Maybe I would meet some of my family and maybe I would make some really good friends. I really really hope I meet my family and make some new friends.Curiously I looked around the shed. In the shed I saw some other rusty robots just like me. Except taller then me. I looked at them even closer, then I thought that they were my family. Then one of the robots said come over here son I’m so glad to see you again.He said come and play with your brothers.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Multi maths

           These little dots are all the multiplication facts I know.

Friday, June 29, 2012


This week I made a collage of a fantail for my homework I had a little help from my parents but most of it I did on my own.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog reveiw

I like Caroline's blog because she does her personal best with her posts and when she posts writing I always know that she has done her personal best.I think that people who love long stories will like this blog.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mountain valley camp 2012

mountain valley camp

In week 8 and 10 room 19 and 18 students from parkvale school hastings hawkes bay went on a extreme camp.They went to mountain valley adventure lodge.
Mountain valley adventure lodge is on the way to taupo beside the mohaka river.

There are lots of things to do there like horse trekking,archery and my favourite rafting.
When I did horse trekking my horse went fine until it heard a gunshot it got freaked out and bucked me off.
When I did archery the first thing I did was arrow shooting.We got to practise with five arrows my first shot I got four points which means I got two lines away from the bullseye.With pistols I did not shoot very much because I kept missing the target I was going for.All I shot was a couple of cans and a coke bottle.
Before we went rafting I felt really nervous once we got on the raft I did not feel as nervous as I did before I hopped on the raft.I thought that camp was awesome.It's bad that camp does have to end someday but its alright because you'll do it again some day maybe next time they will do it with their family.   

the good and the bad

the beach and the garbage
walt:paint a picture in our head
The beautiful palm tree sways side to side silently in the nice calm wind.It sits on a strech of beautiful white sand.The tree has such beautiful big green leaves the leaves are greener then the lovley green grass.Wow it’s cool how the nice calm water is bluer then the bright blue sky.The wonderful white sand was whiter then the snow that falls from the sky.

Somewhere in the middle of the ocean there lies a big pile of tangled rope and lots of of other disgusting stuff.The ropes look like they are wriggly worms wriggling through the compost in our garden.Lots of fish make homes in this garbage thats bad because all of these little fish will die.Poison will come out of all this garbage and it will kill  the little fish that live here in it.The weir in this garbage looks like metal snakes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

word seek

P.E reflection

Catch the ball with your fingers facing towards your partner and then spin them round so they are facing you.When you are ready pass them the ball to their chest and get ready to catch it again.I thought I did pretty well with my catching.I think to work on passing it to my buddy's chest and not to their tummy because that can hurt lots.I thought that reagan did really strong passes.

Monday, March 12, 2012


In the year 2100 I think that there would be flying hover scooters and cars. Which means cars would not crash into each other.They would run on helium.We would have no petrol so there would be no pollution.I also think that telephone boxes would transport people because some people might not be able to afford hover cars or hover scooters.

In the year 2100 I think that watches would have gadgets that pop out of them like pocket knifes,drink bottles and snacks.That rings would hold important memories of the past.

In the year 2100 I think that there would be digital trees that still give out oxygen and berry bushes would not be spiky .

In the year 2100 there would robot animals that would be cute and fluffy.Because mean people would kill all animals.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Swimming sports

Today at assembly awarded a certificate saying congratulations Paige bloor  for coming 3rd in the year 5 girls freestyle relay.


This is my spelling results.I think I did really good.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



I felt excited when I found out miss garland was my teacher.
I felt proud when I sent a email for the first time.
My favourite part about being in room 19 is using computers practicly all day.
I thought remembering my google pasword was hard.

Friday, February 17, 2012



I feel scared,nerves and happy because I’m going to ride a huge monster truck over huge jumps.I turn on the truck now its really reeving.I feel the sand blowing against my face.Vrmm!!! I hear the truck reeving.Here I go AHHHH!!!! That jump was huge.YUCK!!!!now realise that sand is disgusting.I think I’ll go over that  jump again.EWW!!! I smell petrol.WOW!!!look at all those flying cars.weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I went so high over that jump.        

Monday, February 13, 2012


I think I should be in group 3 because I do swimming lesons every tuesday.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Green Screening

When I grow up I want to be a torist in scotland so I can see the scotland castles .

Friday, February 3, 2012

Swimming asesment

                                When I was swimming today I thought that the pool was super warm.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012